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Live from the Catholic Answers Conference

Questions Covered:

  • 04:01 - what’s the sin of presumption according to a Catholic vs a Protestant?
  • 10:01 - How did the Franco-Prussian war affect Vatican 1 ending early?
  • 13:56 - Why is yoga ok to practice?
  • 20:45 - How was Pope Linus appointed and how did the process of electing popes develop?
  • 29:28 - What happened to the Holy Spirit that we received in the sacraments after we commit sins?
  • 37:29 - Science evidence now shows that we can predict a person’s choice. Does this affect our understanding of free will and predestination?
  • 47:08 - Are there levels in heaven?
  • 52:45 - Why was Jesus so harsh to the Canaanite woman in Mt. 15:21-28?
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