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Kids’ Show

Trent Horn

Questions Covered:

  • 02:52 - I am wondering if my baby cat named Thunder is going to go to heaven. 
  • 07:14 - What’s the first place you to when you die? 
  • 12:33 - Is Jesus a saint? 
  • 18:43 - If God defeated the devil, then why are people still bad? 
  • 21:17 - What is race of Adam and Eve? 
  • 29:03 - What country is the Garden of Eden from? 
  • 31:40 - Can a guardian angel be an archangel? 
  • 34:56 - How do we know for sure who Mary’s parents are?  
  • 36:30 - Why do people have to die? 
  • 42:33 - In the Bible, John says, “I baptize you with water, but one much greater than I will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” Does this mean all baptisms are invalid? 
  • 45:25 - Does Jesus love Satan? 
  • 49:34 - If Jesus is the King and Mary is the Queen, then what is Joseph?   
  • 52:44 - Were there any places in the world, like Mt. Everest, that were not covered by the great flood? 
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