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Jesus’ Going Away Party

Questions Covered:

  • 12:40 I am looking for some clarification because Joe was explaining that Jesus told the apostles he wasn’t going to be back until the end of time, but I understand that Jesus and Paul mention he will be back soon. 
  • 28:50 Why did Jesus hide his identity on the road to Emmaus from the two travelers? 
  • 34:22 - In the apostle’s creed we say “on the third day he rose again from the dead” did he resurrect twice? 
  • 35:38 - If part of the ascension is that Jesus has ascended with his body into heaven, how can we hold the transubstantiation? 
  • 41:50 - When did the ascension take place? 
  • 46:20 - In Matthew 24:36, it seems clear that Jesus does not know when he will return, but if he is also God and knows everything why does he not indicate the time of his return? 
  • 49:00 - Jesus tells the good thief that he will be with him in heaven but, if he was not Catholic, he was still able to achieve salvation through Jesus. How does this apply to those who believe salvation can be achieved without being Catholic? 
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