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How to Talk to Protestants About Mary and the Saints

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Questions Covered:

  • 01:57 - Did King Saul In 1 Sam 28 speak to a demon when he sought to conjure Samuel’s spirit when he approached the witch of Endor?
  • 15:15 - Didn’t the Church require 3 miracles for a saint’s cause in the past? Can someone be called a saint if someone lived a heroic and holy life if they didn’t commit any miracles?
  • 20:03 - Are we allowed to say God bless and Mary keep you? Is that something we can trust in Mary and not God?
  • 32:18 - I showed scriptural evidence for Mary and the protestant responded by saying that I proved sola scriptura. How do I respond to that?
  • 36:07 - Does Mt.1 prove that Mary wasn’t a virgin because of the word ‘until?’
  • 43:56 - Is singing to a statue of Mary, Marian worship?
  • 48:46 - I’m not Catholic, It seems like Catholics don’t treat Marian dogmas as salvific issues. Why are they treated differently?
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