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How to Talk to Protestants About Mary and the Saints

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Questions Covered:

  • 03:28 - If Joseph was the heir to the throne of David, then why did he marry a virgin?
  • 13:36 - Follow up on the Rev. 12 Question: I was always told that the Church was born when the side of Jesus was pierced. What are your thoughts on this and Mary’s participation in that?
  • 18:00 - Did Mary have other children?
  • 24:41 - St. Alphonsus Liguori’s prayers on Mary are a stumbling block for me. I’m a protestant.
  • 40:10 - How do we respond to the question: “Why don’t we pray directly to God?
  • 47:00 - I’m a recent convert. Regarding Saint relics. Who decides who gets what relic?
  • 50:15 - Can the Saint and Mary read our minds?
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