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Fasting from Falsehood

Jesus spent 40 days in the desert confronting and conquering the lies that Satan attempted to tempt him with. This Lent, we are inviting people to ask Jesus to accompany them in their desert experiences and help them identify, confront, and conquer the lies that Satan uses to hold them back.  For example, “God will never forgive me.”  “No one will ever love me.”  “I have to be perfect.”  “My needs don’t matter.”

Greg and Jacob Popcak help listeners with practical ways of entering into this Lent more fully and honestly.

Questions Covered:

  • 13:00 - How do I stop persistent thoughts and memories of the past of bad things that I’ve done? 
  • 29:23 - During Lent, I am not very good at fasting. I see this as a self-control issue. If my mental health was better, would I be able to fast better? 
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