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Faith and Science

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Questions Covered:

  • 09:02 - What’s the Catholic view on a 3-person baby that was recently created?
  • 17:25 - If evolution is real, why don’t we have any transitional fossils?
  • 22:51 - If God is the concept of infinity, is he an ever-expanding infinity or is he the highest set of infinity?
  • 31:02 - With science expanding so quickly, I’m reminded of the of the Jurassic Park quote: we are doing things so fast we are not stopping to think if we should.
  • 35:07 - Is it okay for me to question certain components of science such as carbon dating?
  • 41:04 - What have you done to handle situations when you hit a wall when publishing studies?
  • 45:48 - Wouldn’t the argument that God is constantly changing support the theory that men and women can change and be transgender?
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