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Questions Covered:
- 18:40 - Since Papal infallibility wasn’t defined till Vatican 1, how was a Catholic supposed to know when he was speaking infallibly?
- 21:36 - How can we explain the infallibility of the pope in a context that avoids seeing the limits as an excuse to ignore that which is not infallible?
- 32:25 - My cousin and her husband have started attending an independent Catholic Church (Society of Christ the King). Can I attend church with them even though they don’t accept papal infallibility?
- 36:58 - What declarations can a pope overrule from a previous pope?
- 46:00 - Why not just believe everything the pope says if it’s not really going to affect my life?
- 50:20 - I know the teachings on contraception were clarified by Pope John Paul II, I was told that Pope Francis overturned that teaching. Can he do that and is that true?
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