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Eucharistic Revival

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Questions Covered:

  • 17:28 - What are the results that you’re seeing come from the Eucharistic Revival?
  • 21:47 - Can you give me feedback on what to do on receiving communion while kneeling and what to do when one is denied?
  • 29:31 - Why aren’t the essential things to bring back faithful Catholics being emphasized in the eucharistic revival?
  • 33:46 - Is it alright to join the procession if it’s coming near my town?
  • 39:30 - My Baptist sister claims she received Jesus at her church. How do I approach her in informing her of the truth without being abrasive?
  • 43:00 - I’m Protestant. How does the eucharist help achieve unity in the Church?
  • 46:45 - How do we get a unified message from priests? It doesn’t always seem like there is a uniform message.
  • 49:52 - If the eucharist is Jesus, why would there be an issue with receiving communion on the tongue?
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