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Catholic Answers Quiz Show



1 – CONTESTANT ONE) Which Apostle was a tax collector?

  1. A) Judas
  2. B) Matthew
  3. C) Philip

1 – CONTESTANT Two) Which of the Apostles was a carpenter?

  1. A) Philip
  2. B) Thaddeus
  3. C) None that we know of

2 – CONTESTANT ONE) What is transubstantiation?

  1. A) The replacement of the substance of bread and wine with the substance of the body and blood of Jesus.
  2. B) The presence of the body and blood of Jesus within the substance of bread and wine.
  3. C) The real presence of Jesus along side the bread and wine.

2 – CONTESTANT Two) What is concupiscence?

  1. A) The total corruption of the human heart that is a consequence of the fall of Adam.
  2. B) Sexual desire that is excessive.
  3. C) An inclination to evil. CCC 405


3 – CONTESTANT ONE) Apologist and speaker KARLO Broussard has a brand-new book called Purgatory Is for Real: Good News About the Afterlife for Those Who Aren’t Perfect Yet. What happens in Purgatory?

  1. A) Souls not ready for Heaven temporarily pass through hell to have sin burned away.
  2. B) Those who died in grave sin get a last chance to repent and receive Heaven.
  3. C) Holy souls with remnants of sin are purified.

3 – CONTESTANT Two) Apologist and speaker KARLO Broussard has a brand-new book called Purgatory Is for Real: Good News About the Afterlife for Those Who Aren’t Perfect Yet. In the First Letter to the Corinthians, Paul gives an image of purgatory when he says:

  1. A) some “spirits are in prison” (actually 1 Peter 3)
  2. B) some people “will be saved, but only as through fire.”
  3. C) some people are handed over to Satan so that they will learn not to blaspheme God. (see 1 Tim 1:20)



1 – CONTESTANT ONE) Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Psalm 118 says to “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is ____:”

  1. A) A jealous God.
  2. B) Great.
  3. C) Good.

1 – CONTESTANT Two) Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Jesus healed ten Lepers and only one returned to thank him. That man was:

  1. A) A Samaritan.
  2. B) A Pharisee.
  3. C) A Roman centurion.

2 – CONTESTANT ONE) Which of the following is not a heresy?

  1. A) Donatism.
  2. B) Marcionism.
  3. C)

2 – CONTESTANT Two) Which of the following is a heresy?

  1. A) Ecumenism
  2. B) Adoptionism
  3. C) Monasticism

3 – CONTESTANT ONE) Which of these qualities will we have when we are in Heaven and raised from the dead?

  1. A) Impeccability
  2. B) Omniscience
  3. C) Simplicity

3 – CONTESTANT Two) Which of these qualities does God have?

  1. A) Mutability
  2. B) Passibility
  3. C) Incorporeality



  • FALSE Every adult under 58 and in good health is required to keep the Friday fast in Advent.
  • TRUE The Apostolic Fathers were early bishops, some of whom knew the Apostles.
  • FALSE In some cases it is morally acceptable to use In Vitro Fertilization.
  • FALSE The Church does not consider private revelation to be possible because revelation is complete.
  • FALSE It was absolutely necessary that Mary be a virgin in order to give birth to God’s son.
  • TRUE Salvation is from the Jews.
  • TRUE Jesus loves us with both a human and a divine love.
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