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Catholic Answers Game Show LIVE

Round One

Contestant One

1) In Luke’s Gospel, upon returning to Nazareth, Jesus reads in the synagogue from which prophet? (Luke 4:16)

b) Micah

b) Jeremiah

c) Isaiah


2) How many miracles of healing did Jesus perform? Matthew 4 23-24

a) Seven

b) 40

c) We don’t know, but a whole lot


3) In the Gospels, we never see Jesus actually perform:

a) An exorcism

b) A baptism

c) Any miracles other than feeding and healing


Contestant Two

1) According to the Book of Hebrews, Jesus was a priest of the order of:

a) King David

b) Melchizedek

c) Moses and Aaron


2) Jesus was worshipped by the Apostles:

a) Only After His death

b) During his earthly ministry (Matthew 14:33)

c) Not until after Pentecost


3) During his earthly ministry how many people do we know that Jesus raised from the dead? (Not including himself).

a) Seven

b) Only one

c) Three Jesus raised the widow’s son at Nain (Luke 7:11-17), Jairus’ daughter (Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40-56), and Lazarus (John 11:1-44).


Contestant One

1) Where does ordinary time” get its name?

a) From being less important than the great feasts and seasons of the Church

b) From the method of numbering its week’s using ordinal numbers.

c) From the tradition that ordinations can take place during these periods but not during the other seasons


2) An annulment is:

a) A declaration by the Church that no sacramental marriage took place.

b) A declaration by the Church that no civil or sacramental marriage took place.

c) A declaration by a married couple that their marriage was defective.


3) Whenever it becomes practically impossible for a married couple to live together, the Church teaches:

a) the couple can physically separate and choose to no longer be husband and wife.

b) the couple can physically separate, although they remain husband and wife.

c) they must stick it out regardless of the hardship


Contestant Two

1) Who are the Sons of Thunder? (Mark 3:17)

a) Peter and Paul

b) James and John

c) Herod and Pilate


2) Which best describes the Church Jesus founded:

a) It is an invisible union of all those who follow Jesus.

b) It is a communion of believers with a visible structure.

c) It has no invisible features but is a set of visible structures.


3) Which image does Jesus use for the Church in Matthew 16:18-19:

a) a sheepfold

b) a kingdom

c) a body


1. F Jesus is two people, one divine and one human.

2. T The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all equally God.

3. T In God there is no potential, only pure act.

4. F At the time of Jesus all Jews accepted the Torah, the Prophets, and the Psalms as Scripture.

5. F All of the Pharisees rejected Jesus.

6. T Christians accept Moses as a true prophet of God.

7. F The basics of the moral law are only known to humans because of God’s revelation in the Bible.

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