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Teaching with Authority

Jimmy Akin


  • 17:19 - Is Humanae Vitae a magisterial teaching? Why don’t the bishops talk about it?
  • 22:33 - As far as teaching with authority, how do we look at things like footnotes in Amoris Laetitia or changed words in the Catechism, specifically the death penalty?
  • 34:52 - Do newer encyclicals override old ones?
  • 41:00 - When the Pope speaks, does he speak with authority? Are his opinions teachings?
  • 44:40 - Is there Catholic teaching authority for when Communion drops on the floor? 
  • 48:00 - What is your opinion on synods in making teaching?
  • 51:27 - Is there ever a time when something was infallibly taught and then retracted later?
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