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Does Prayer Work?

Does prayer really work? 

Questions Covered:

  • 12:50 - I am having trouble with the concept that something won’t be done by God if I don’t pray for them. Can you help explain this?
  • 17:26 - I had two experiences when I knew my prayers were being directly answered.
  • 22:39 - Can you pray for your guardian angel to go help someone else? Does this mean that we can directly cause something to happen?
  • 35:12 - I had an experience with prayer that convinced me that it was efficacious. It brought my husband to faith.
  • 42:20 - When I run out of time to pray specifically for all of my intentions, what happens? What do I do when I am praying for people and they get worse?
  • 49:29 - I feel rejected by God sometimes. When my prayers are not answered, I feel hurt. Does he really hear me?
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