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The Catholic Church Loves Women

Gloria Purvis, radio host of Morning Glory on EWTN radio, joins Cy to talk about how the Catholic Church truly loves and supports women in a time when the world has many confusing messages about living out womanhood.

Questions Covered:

  • 23:06 - Men are a part of this conversation, too. We cannot dismiss men as being all irresponsible and uninvolved. 
  • 30:00 - I support what Gloria is saying. What President Macron said is not wise.
  • 47:30 - How do you think that the people who support Macron on the “having as few children as possible” method, reconcile that with the fact that they also say it takes a village to raise children? How can this community exist when people aren’t having kids?
  • 49:06 - I am a mother of 8 and still open to life. There is not the catechism that needs to be present for people to understand this crucial pillar of our faith. 

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