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The Big Picture of the Bible

Mary Healy

Questions Covered:

  • 10:01 - How do you explain the gospel from last Sunday (the rich man failing to sell all his possessions in order to follow Christ)?
  • 20:30 - Fr. Mitch said Cain and Abel took Neanderthal wives. Is that true?
  • 29:55 - What is a good defense of the Apocrypha?
  • 34:01 - I want to know if the passage of Lazarus and the rich man tells us that the rich man is in hell or if it means that purgatory is true?
  • 42:14 - Why does it seem like we hear the same Bible verses every Sunday?
  • 45:33 - What is your opinion of William Barclay?
  • 48:48 - Do you have any advice for people as to how to interpret which parts of the Bible are cultural and which are divine?
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