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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 02:34 - What are we required to believe from the Old Testament?
  • 15:24 - I struggle with custody of the eyes. I have heard that anything more than a glance is sinful. When do I need to go to confession?
  • 19:18 - How can I understand what the Holy Spirit is? I understand the Father and Son, but what is the Spirit?
  • 28:16 - Should we take Luke’s gospel literally? Especially in regards to the mentioned genealogy of Jesus.
  • 34:18 - My friend is being confirmed. Why would we need a sponsor for Confirmation, when we already have godparents? Who is the roman soldier who stabbed Jesus in the side?
  • 44:45 - Should a television station host a concert inside the Basilica at Knock? They are performing the Messiah.
  • 50:58 - Of the original 12 apostles, how many were related to our Lord or each other? What were the relations?


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