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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 02:00 - Jesus often referred to himself as “Son of Man.” What is the deeper meaning of him using this title for himself?
  • 15:12 - Is there a patron saint for those suffering from sexual abuse?
  • 18:30 - In Jewish tradition, is it true that the folding of the napkin at the dinner table for the head of the household is tied into the way they found the shroud of Christ folded in the tomb?
  • 21:47 - Did penal substitution start with John Calvin? What do Catholics believe?
  • 33:57 - How can Catholics respond to people who are against the sainthood of Fr. Serra?
  • 40:00 - I have heard people say that God does not punish people. However, in the Old Testament, there seems to be evidence of the opposite. Isn’t this a contradiction?
  • 45:41 - Can you comment further on the idea of Mary as the “new earth?”
  • 50:13 - I have heard people call Catholic Answers and complain about the lack of religious and priesthood. How can listeners and lay people promote the religious and priestly vocations?

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