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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 06:30 - How can you prove the universality of the Church?
  • 15:08 - Why is the change to the catechism regarding the death penalty happening only recently?
  • 23:10 - Why are none of Peter’s successors in Antioch? Why is Luke not listed as an early Church father?
  • 28:47 - My grandson will be 13 soon. He was baptized, but not brought up in the faith. Which books of the bible should he begin reading first?
  • 30:51 - If God is outside of time, how can there be a before and after in the creation story? 
  • 33:30 - Was Jesus the High Priest while he was alive?
  • 36:32 - Will you still be married to your spouse after death?
  • 42:23 - What is the relationship between the Catholic Church and the eastern orthodox church?
  • 45:00 - Can the Pope change the Catechism? Does that mean that he can change any part of it?
  • 48:23 - How can Catholic Holy Orders be valid after being altered after Vatican II? 
  • 49:48 - What is the Catholic teaching on hypnosis?
  • 51:17 - Would it have been possible for the Blessed Mother to have met Paul the apostle?
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