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Exploring Virtue: Meekness & Humility

Questions Covered:

  • 19:38 - How do we be humble when we’re standing up for our faith?
  • 22:49 - Fr. John Ricardo said the word “meek” is actually a verb, which describes something you do to a horse, so it still has all its strength but it’s under control. He said it’s like the Incarnation, where Jesus had all His divinity but it’s under “control” in his humanity.
  • 34:00 - I always understood Jesus saying “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me” as him showing everyone that He is God; not as him actually questioning God.
  • 40:50 - If you hear a sermon that suggests that the miracle of the loaves and the fishes wasn’t actually a miracle, but just inspired the people to share, how can you respond?
  • 45:45 - Was Jesus not self-promoting?
  • 48:51 - How should a Catholic Christian follow Matthew 5:38-40?

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