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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 02:53 - Has there ever been an instance when the Church deemed that someone who had lived an openly evil life and claimed conversion at the very end, was lying?
  • 06:08 - What are your suggestions for the most important spiritual reading?
  • 15:50 - Why does the Church ban Free Masonry, but not the Boy Scouts?
  • 23:18 - What are the differences between Catholic rites and Orthodox churches?
  • 28:45 - Why can’t Protestants go to confession?
  • 34:50 - Are there any details known about St. John the apostle? 
  • 41:07 - What was the experience of early Christians before being Christian was legal?
  • 48:39 - I was baptized Catholic, but am a part of the Orthodox church now. Am I in spiritual danger if I don’t convert back and submit to Rome?
  • 52:18 - What is the etymology of the word “apologetics”?

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