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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 03:36 - What do you think about going to a parish that doesn’t have any kneelers?
  • 12:40 - Is it okay to give money to organizations that I like, but not to my own parish?
  • 16:39 - How can I obtain a papal indulgence?
  • 21:26 - How  are we to read some of Jesus’ promises of miracles when in our own life experiences miracles are very rare?
  • 33:56 - Why are some Catholic priests able to marry?
  • 43:20 - Where do the gifts of the Holy Spirit come from? How do we know what they are?
  • 48:52 - What can you say about Jesus and his respect of Jewish dietary laws?

Resources Mentioned: 

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