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Jesus: Emmanuel or Mere Prophet?

The author of Prepare the Way: Overcoming obstacles to God, the Gospel, and the Church takes caller questions about just who Jesus is, explaining why he is not like any other charismatic figure.

Questions Covered:

  • 17:53 - How can a human body contain the divinity of God?
  • 23:41 - I do not believe that Jesus is equal to the Father. 
  • 36:42 - If Jesus is Emmanuel, how can it say in Scripture that He has human bloodlines?
  • 43:24 - How can we say that Jesus is fully man when his human nature was not fallen? 
  • 49:56 - Could you address the verse that talked about Jesus “laying the baton at Jehovah’s feet?”
  • 53:07 - How does the image in Revelation of the slain lamb at the altar reveal the doctrine of two natures?
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