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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 07:01 - How can you recommend the early Christian writings to non-Catholics? Is there a good place to find them? How could I convince them that the writings are real?
  • 14:18 - What does it mean that Mary is our co-Redemptrix?
  • 16:45 - What’s the best way to address someone who believes in chakras?
  • 18:46 - Is it a mortal sin to confess sins that you haven’t committed in the confessional?
  • 24:01 - Is Matthew 5:24-25 the reason why we shake hands at the sign of peace?
  • 29:16 - Where is there evidence for Mary’s perpetual virginity and why is it important that Catholics believe in it?
  • 42:05 - Where does the Church say that aborted babies go?
  • 49:33 - Why does Jesus refer to himself as the Son of man?
  • 51:55 - Is our salvation a combination of ours and God’s works?
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