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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 05:38 - What should I do if I notice liturgical abuses in my parish? Do I have to participate in the part of the Mass that’s being abused?
  • 20:55 - When you first converted, did you have difficulty integrating with your parish community? How did you do it?
  • 28:51 - What is the Catholic teaching on how to respond to the fear of death?
  • 33:58 - When Jesus was Incarnate on earth, what was happening in heaven? Was He there in any way? How?
  • 40:50 - When we offer up our suffering to God, what exactly does He do with it?
  • 43:30 - Can you clarify the difference in Catholic and Protestant thoughts on original sin?
  • 52:34 - Can you clarify what you meant when you said Jesus was in an alternate heaven? Are there multiple heavens?

Resources Mentioned:

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