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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

03:54 - If the Eastern Orthodox church reunited with the Church, would the clergy be able to retain their positions? If the Anglicans and Lutherans reunited with the Church, would their clergy be able to retain their positions?

11:52 - What is Church teaching on choosing Eucharistic ministers? Specifically, what is the female role? How did this come about?

13:46 - How can we reconcile the Petrine privilege with Jesus words on divorce?

17:16 - In regards to the battle with the angels in Revelation, how could battles be fought with spiritual beings when all we know of battle is killing?

22:17 - Where is there Scriptural evidence for the existence of the Trinity? 

32:50 - When you attend another rite’s liturgy, how do you address their clergy and how do you behave?

36:54 - What is the relationship of family in heaven?

43:23 - C.S. Lewis says Jesus is either a lunatic or he is what he says he is. How do other biblical and religious figures fare when held up to the same idea?

Resources Mentioned:

A Daily Defense by Jimmy Akin


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