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Questions Covered:

  • 13:43 - Can you help me to give a good explanation of transubstantiation to a youth audience without watering it down?
  • 18:26 - If you go to two Masses in one day, do you have to forgo Communion at the second one?
  • 19:36 - Why does the Church put so much emphasis on the Psalms?
  • 22:06 - Can a Eucharistic minister give a blessing to a non-receiving person? 
  • 31:00 - Why did the priest’s orientation change from facing the tabernacle to facing the congregation?
  • 36:06 - How do we respond as Catholics to the non-denominational claim that we eat the crucified body and blood of Christ in Communion?
  • 49:00 - How can we gradually learn to be more fully immersed in the Mass?
  • 52:20 - What are the right mindsets to have as we approach the altar to receive and after reception of the Eucharist?
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