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We focus on pastoral concerns but welcome any question callers would like to ask a Catholic priest as we are joined by the Catholic Answers chaplain, Norbertine Father Hugh Barbour.

Questions Covered:

  • 12:20 - Can you help me to explain the origin of the garter toss at weddings? 
  • 17:27 - I have a friend who has completely transitioned from male to female and is now showing an interest in religion after being an atheist his whole life. Is he able to come into the Church after going through that transition?
  • 28:43 - What is the difference between a homily and a sermon?
  • 30:31 - My girlfriend is Eastern Orthodox and on Sundays she brings back the bread they consecrate at their liturgy. Is it alright for me to eat this bread?
  • 35:00 - How can I best explain to my son why we’re transitioning from the Lutheran to the Catholic Church in a way that makes sense to him?
  • 41:30 - How can I discourse with someone outside the faith who is not concerned with whether Catholicism is the truth, but cares more about things like how it makes them feel?
  • 47:50 - My niece asked me to distribute Communion at her wedding. Is there any kind of special training or permission from a priest I need to get beforehand?
  • 51:03 - What are the chances of Melchizedek being Jesus Christ?
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