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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 02:49 - Is there time in Purgatory or is it possible that it doesn’t have a temporal aspect?
  • 11:52 - Before Vatican II were all priests required to learn Latin? Why aren’t they required to learn Latin now?
  • 19:32 - How does the free will defense to the problem of evil square with determinism?
  • 30:15 - Am I really baptized? At seven years old I was baptized into the United Church of Christ. I became Catholic as an adult but was not re-baptized.
  • 32:36 - I know a Catholic woman who doesn’t understand why the Church is against abortion. What can I tell her? What resources would you recommend?
  • 35:37 - I understand that people who go to hell choose to go there; but what about the Scripture passages that seem to indicate they don’t choose that?
  • 44:40 - Could the Transfiguration be an instance of souls moving forward or backward temporally in Purgatory?
  • 49:31 - Why do some Protestant denominations reject the deuterocanonical books? I’ve heard a lot of the reasons and none of them make sense.

Resources Mentioned:

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