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Helpers on High: The Intercession of Saints

Apologist Karlo Broussard, author of, Prepare the Way: How to Overcome Obstacles to God, the Gospel, and the Church, takes caller questions on the role of saints in Catholic life.

Questions Covered:

  • 15:08 - How do the saints hear us? Are they always listening?
  • 21:40 - Are holy men outside of the tradition of the church saints? Such as Sitting Bull?
  • 34:40 - Is it alright to ask for the intercession of someone who is not a canonized saint?
  • 41:30 - How does praying to the saints work for people who believe in reincarnation?
  • 45:48 - Where in scripture does it say we should have more than one mediator?
  • 50:32 - Is it true that one person’s prayer is better than another?
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