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We focus on pastoral concerns but welcome any question callers would like to ask a Catholic priest as we are joined by the Catholic Answers chaplain, Norbertine Father Hugh Barbour.

Questions Covered:

  • 11:04 - What can I do to increase my faith?
  • 16:22 - What spiritual advice can you give for someone discerning their vocation?
  • 21:30 - Are there any prayers I can pray that are specifically for others and not for myself?
  • 28:41 - Why are there so many names for priests in the New Testament, such as presbyter, apostle, etc.?
  • 31:18 - My previous husband committed suicide a while ago. How can I talk to my grandkids about it?
  • 35:50 - If a saint offers Mass on an altar, does that altar become a relic?
  • 44:46 - What is the interpretation of “sorrowful” in the Beatitudes?
  • 49:14 - I have a question on repentance and uncertainty.
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