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What Is Holiness?

Noted author, teacher, and documentarian, Dr. Edward Sri addresses caller questions about holiness: what it is, why it is important, and how to get it.

Questions Covered:

  • 07:49 - For a person that struggles with scrupulosity, how does one strive for holiness?
  • 18:58 - I know that Jesus is the most holy of anyone who ever existed. How closely can we get to Jesus’s holiness here on earth?
  • 24:00 - I’m interested in deepening my experience with God, and I’m wondering if centering prayer or Catholic mysticism would help?
  • 35:19 - There is a prominent nun and she said that paying more taxes means more holiness. What do you think of this?
  • 38:38 - As a married woman, should I pursue the prayer types of St. Theresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross?
  • 45:03 - Who is more holy, a person who goes to church every sunday, but they don’t act according to church teaching, or a person who misses church but who otherwise follows the commandments?
  • 48:42 - How do I motivate myself to pursue holiness?
  • 51:22 - I’m looking at getting into the aerospace industry and I’m wondering if working in an industry that produces weapons would impede my holiness?
  • 53:08 - As we look at St. Therese’s Little Way, is her method valid for people in business, CEOs, etc?

Resources Mentioned:

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