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The Bible Blueprint for the Papacy

Can’t find the papacy in the Bible? Karlo Broussard, author of Prepare the Way: Overcoming Obstacles to God, the Gospel, and the Church, explains how Peter’s special role lays the foundations for the role of the pope.

Questions Covered:

  • 17:02 - If Jesus meant for the Eucharist to be his real body and blood, then why at the last supper did he give the disciples bread and wine?
  • 30:50 - What does the book of Acts tell us about the papacy?
  • 41:30 - Is there biblical evidence for the continuing supremacy of the see of Peter after Peter’s death. Also, Ephesians 2:20 mentions the Church is built on the foundation of the prophets, why does it not say that it is build on Peter?
  • 46:43 - How can we say that popes are a sign of unity to the Church when they fought political wars?
  • 52:35 - Why do you believe in the papacy when there were not popes from the very beginning of Christianity?
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