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Defending Truth Against Relativism

The Author of Prepare the Way: Overcoming Obstacles to God, the Gospel and the Church joins us to defend the very idea of the truth against the trendy notion that everything is relative.

Questions Covered:

  • 16:30 - I think it’s relatively easy to defend Christianity against Protestantism. But what about Orthodoxy? How can we say the pope is the key to knowing the truth?
  • 23:56 - My nephew is becoming a relativist. What are some resources I can point him to?
  • 32:39 - How do I defend the faith to someone who cites the possibility of aliens as an argument against the existence of God?
  • 36:46 - I am an orthodox Jew and have recently accepted Christ. I have narrowed it down to either Catholicism or Orthodoxy. I am wondering what options there are in Catholicism other than the Novus Ordo Mass.
  • 47:25 - Regarding relativism, how do we know account for cultural differences. When different cultures tend to believe different things how can we know we are being objective?

Resources Mentioned:

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