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Divorce and Annulment Myths

Many people think they know what the Church teaches about divorce and annulment but are not fully informed. This can harm those in difficult situations, which is why Rose Sweet stops by to bust some myths about divorce and annulment.

Questions Covered:

  • 07:40 - My brother is divorced. I’m wondering whether his marriage was valid. Can any Protestant marriages be valid without being a sacrament?
  • 17:47 - If annulments are granted, the Catholic Church is saying no valid marriage existed. Are there a lot of marriages out there that are invalid in which people are united?
  • 21:59 - If one person is baptized Catholic and the other blessed Mormon, and they marry in Las Vegas, then they get their marriage blessed again in the Catholic Church, is this a sacramental marriage? Can there be an annulment?
  • 29:20 - My children were married by a justice of the peace. The Catholic Church says it is not a valid marriage. You told another caller that being married by a justice of the peace is valid. I am confused. Can you clarify?
  • 34:09 - My Catholic son married someone in Mexico who had no faith. They were married on the beach, and my Catholic husband performed the ceremony. They never had their marriage blessed. Are they validly married?
  • 43:43 - I am divorced and have not filed for an annulment. I believe my marriage was sacramental. My priest has suggested I file for an annulment. Is it appropriate when, in my heart, I believe my marriage was sacramental?
  • 49:00 - Two baptized Catholics married in a non-Catholic ceremony. There were no vows exchanged. There was no reference to God in the ceremony. Seventeen years later, they no longer love each other. Is this an invalid marriage?
  • 52:15 - I agree with you about 95%, but I don’t think we need to bring the sacramental into this. It confuses the issue. Two consenting adults not encumbered who commit to one another participate in an intrinsically valid marriage according to the natural law. Sacraments add nothing to the marriage. Can you comment on this?

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