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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 03:04 - I get that we live this life and then choose either Heaven or Hell, but why do we have to go through this life at all to make that choice?
  • 07:48 - Do humans become angels after they die?
  • 19:56 - Why do some lists have nine fruits of the Holy Spirit and other lists have twelve?
  • 22:40 - How does baptism tie into purgatory?
  • 31:32 - I heard someone say that since we are in God’s image then God is also in our image. Is that right?
  • 44:04 - Why should a non-denominational Christian trust the authority of the Catholic Church over the the Bible alone?
  • 49:48 - How do we deal with doubts about the Bible, especially regarding if the Bible stretches the truth or contradicts science?

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