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Why Are You Pro-Choice?

Trent Horn discusses the issue of abortion and invites pro-choice listeners to explain why they are pro-choice.

Questions and Topics Covered:

  • 02:36 - Can you please explain what you meant about taking out a live fetus from a woman’s womb rather than a dead one?
  • 05:42 - I think the Catholic Church has too narrow of a view. When a 12 year old girl is raped, forcing her to carry the baby to term is sacrificing a child for a child.
  • 14:59 - I don’t think that a clump of cells has a soul.
  • 20:00 - Abortion is a necessary evil in cases of extreme birth effects.
  • 29:14 - We live in a free country and not everyone follows your belief.
  • 37:13 - A person has a right to do what they want with their body.
  • 42:15 - I don’t support abortion, but the government should not dictate what a person can do.
  • 44:15 - I am pro-life in the sense that I don’t like mass killings of unborn babies. But, I think life doesn’t begin at the moment of conception, I think it begins at birth.
  • 52:03 - I don’t believe it’s okay, but it has to be oayk because of all of the other laws that would have to be changed if abortion became illegal.

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