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Open Forum for Non-Catholics

From those who oppose the Catholic Church to those who are thinking about entering, in this show, we take a break from talking with Catholics while Jimmy Akin answers questions about the Faith from non-Catholics.

Questions Covered:

  • 07:28 - What is the importance of Mary being a virgin?
  • 18:50 - What is the Church’s position on speaking in tongues, and what is going on when that happens?
  • 29:53 - I hear every day that God loves you. One day I heard if you are in mortal sin, he flees from you. How can that be if he loves you so much?
  • 36:19 - What does it mean when Jesus says if we eat his flesh we will have life and how does that affect one’s salvation?
  • 45:20 - I heard that in order to become Catholic, one has to confess that the teachings were revealed by God. If that’s true, why wasn’t Jesus a Catholic?
  • 49:32 - How do you feel about a chosen one in modern times? Does the Bible indicate anything about this in the end times?

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