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Why We’re Catholic

Apologist and author Trent Horn shares insights into Catholic belief, helping callers grasp why we believe what we believe on a range of topics.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:50 - My Protestant classmate and I started talking about apostolic succession. He doesn’t think we can prove the church Christ founded was the Catholic Church. What’s the best way to explain this to him?
  • 14:00 - Why do we have to go to confession and why does the priest represent God in this sacrament?
  • 20:43 - How can Catholics evangelize similar to what we see among Protestants?
  • 29:00 - Why are you Catholic? What basis do you have for Catholic doctrine?
  • 36:05 - I’m bringing someone into the Church who decided she wants to enter the Church to please her Catholic fiancé. I’m finding out that they want her to wait longer since she doesn’t seem committed. She’s angry about it and I feel stuck in the middle. How do I explain the commitment to her?
  • 44:42 - Are ordination records kept? Can my local bishop trace his ordination back to Peter, similar to genealogy?
  • 50:27 - My coworkers asked me why priests take a vow of chastity. They believe this is part of the reason for the sex scandal in the Church. I told them that other ministers take this vow. Why is the Catholic Church singled out?

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