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Beer Evangelization

Questions and Topics Covered:

  • 20:50 - I’m just shocked that you guys would be encouraging us to visit bars to evangelize. Aren’t these places that are just asking for trouble and causing too much temptation? I am not against drinking, but there are so many other places where we can share our faith.
  • 30:13 - My family gets angry with me when a situation arises and I used scripture to get a point across. They say I’m trying to push it down their throat. Why are they so threatened?
  • 33:28 - Billy Graham just went home. I’ve heard his ministry criticized by Catholics, but he led many to Christ. I don’t understand how this approach is any better. Isn’t alcoholism a serious issue and we should be careful with encouraging beer evangelization?
  • 42:15 - We are heavily involved in this topic since we are third generation bar owners. We do fundraisers, veterans events and outreach to so many of our Christian brothers and sisters. We share that we pray for our patrons and evangelization comes in many forms. I have never been refused an offer to pray for a customer, and am often thanked later when prayers are answered. Our own monsignor calls what we do, “bar ministry”.
  • 46:10 - I’m a former Southern Baptist preacher coming into the Church this Easter. We were taught growing up that beer is bad. Hearing what you are saying now is very new for me. Could you help this idea settle with me a little easier?
  • 50:15 - Here in the deep south many are radically against alcohol. I know Christ drank. How can we approach Protestants and breach this topic with them when we evangelize?
  • 52:25 - A local monthly event we have for people of all faiths, from Quakers to Catholics, is called Beer and Hymns.
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