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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 05:10 - Why do we show compassion for the criminal in incidents such as the shooting that occurred yesterday versus showing compassion for the victims?
  • 14:47 - Is there any documentation of an account of Our Lady encountering her son Jesus during his 30 Day Resurrection?
  • 19:05 - What exactly are the differences between mortal and venial sins? 
  • 30:00 - What is your take on “Drive-by Ashes”? 
  • 33:50 - Can you please explain why we can call a priest “Father”?
  • 41:25 - We went to Mass last night and the priest placed ashes on my daughter’s head. Is this a new way of doing ashes?
  • 44:34 - Where is the connection between the 6th Commandment and having sex before marriage?
  • 46:40 - In my diocese the bishop is preventing us from receiving the precious blood during flu season. Can you contract the flu from drinking from the same glass?
  • 50:16 - My son passed away due to an overdose; is there a chance for him to still be saved?
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