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Seven Stages of Divine Intimacy

Are you in a stable marriage with God, or are you just dating? Speaker and author Rose Sweet explains how marital commitment is what God proposes, and it is up to us how we respond to his proposal.

Questions Covered:

  • 21:31 - How do you handle a romantic relationship that you know is not going to work?
  • 38:00 - You mentioned, “dating” Jesus and not going to the “bridal chamber”. I feel this describes me in the past. I often feel guilty about this. How do I live in the present?
  • 47:46 - I’ve been married 23 years and going through a divorce. I returned to the Church one year ago. I’m not sure how to handle all of this and need some advice.
  • 50:39 - I went through an Immaculata program developed by Maximilian Kolbe as a teen, I consecrated myself to Jesus through Mary, went to the canonization of Maximilian Kolbe in Rome, and was later called to marriage with a man I did not think things would work out with. I feel that I need God in my life every day and when I don’t keep him close, life gets hard. Seek God’s will in your life.

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