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Internet star Fr. Mike Schmitz stops by for a conversation about his new book, Made for Love: Same-Sex Attractions and the Catholic Church.

Questions Covered:

  • 16:15 - How can we as Catholics love our friends who live an active gay lifestyle?
  • 21:45 - My son is same-sex attracted. His father committed adultery and left us, and I think my son is rebelling. Any advice?
  • 30:58 - I’m a youth group leader. There is a transgender group of kids at my teens’ high school, and they tend to be mean to people. How can my teens reach out to them?
  • 42:40 - My sister is a lesbian. Nobody in our family has been mean to her, but she has estranged herself from us because we haven’t vocally supported her lifestyle. How do we deal with this?
  • 51:28 - My son has gotten “married” to his partner. I haven’t heard from him since 2012. Any advice on how I can begin to heal our relationship?

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