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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 02:07 - What is the sin against the Holy Spirit and where is purgatory in the Bible?
  • 08:35 - Do you recommend Catholic youth groups going on mission trips along with non-Catholic youth groups?
  • 15:43 - If I know a family member is using contraception, is it a sin for me to not confront them about it?
  • 21:32 - In Luke, why does the angel “hail” Mary when she is of a lesser nature than an angel?
  • 29:11 - My son is graduating from college with a theology degree. As a present I plan to ask some prominent Catholic thinkers to write him a word of congratulations and encouragement. Who do you recommend that I ask?
  • 32:14 - There is a teaching that when Jesus descended into the underworld he preached to the dead. Is this Catholic teaching?
  • 42:37 - I got into an argument with my 18 year old son when he said he didn’t see a problem with harvesting stem cells from aborted babies. I didn’t handle it well. How can I handle these types of situations better?
  • 50:53 - What do you think of the movie Heaven is Real?

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