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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 06:04 - What do you make of the interpretation of John 20:19-23 that Jesus just gave individuals the power to forgive personal sin?
  • 17:59 - In my diocese the bishop says everyone should receive on the hand because of the flu season. Should I not try to receive on the tongue even though that is my preference?
  • 21:11 - Do Catholics believe in the Rapture?
  • 28:34 - What is the Catholic perspective on the Gospel of Thomas and why is it not in the canon?
  • 33:05 - How do I forgive someone who wronged me 35 years ago?
  • 44:50 - Some claim that the ancient Hebrews were monolatrists, they believed in many gods but had consistent worship of Yahweh alone. Is there any evidence that they were strict monotheists from the beginning?
  • 52:09 - How do you interpret Isaiah 45:7? I thought Satan is the evildoer not God?
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