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How to Win an Argument Without Losing a Soul

Apologist, speaker, and author of The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography, shares tips for sharing the faith charitably.

Questions Covered:

  • 13:19 - Every time I talk with my cousin, she challenges me. I come back with Biblical evidence, etc., and she’s not able to come back with a solid response, and she says “you have your opinion; I have mine, let’s wait some time and wait for the Holy Spirit.” What should I do?
  • 21:54 - How do you address someone’s argument that the pope is not infallible?
  • 28:53 - I have a love one who buys into new age thinking, past lives, and hypnotherapy. What do I say?
  • 32:27 - I’ve been speaking to some Jehovah’s Witnesses. How do I respond to them when they say the Catholic Church tried to kill off other religions?
  • 35:49 - I’m in sales and we know that you can’t win an emotional buyer with logical arguments. How do we probe people to see if someone has an emotional hang up, not a logical one?
  • 43:34 - I’m in RCIA, and I’m about to tell my parents. How do I do that with my parents?
  • 48:57 - How do you keep yourself from getting combative?
  • 53:09 - How can we convince young people who are afraid of the all the pedophile issues to try the Catholic Church again?
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