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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:05 - A woman in a health facility where I am a Eucharistic minister came running to me and asked if I do exorcisms. She is afraid to be with her boyfriend who seems to be possessed. How do I handle a situation like this?
  • 12:08 - I was reading the catechism to learn of the Church’s views of Islam. How do we evangelize and relate to Muslims, knowing the ideology of Islam is so different from our Christian ideals?
  • 18:29 - Is it true that the Church was very barbaric and used prayer as a form of torturing prisoners during the Crusades?
  • 23:10 - What is my moral obligation when I have family members who want to enter into marriages contrary to Church teaching, and those who are entering a same-sex “marriage?” Do I attend these services?
  • 32:45 - Why does the Church allow for instruments to be played during Mass?
  • 37:55 - A Catholic YouTuber I watched stated he is against all kinds of dances. What are your opinions and what stance should I take as a Catholic teen?
  • 47:03 - Which books would you recommend to learn more about the Church fathers?
  • 51:43 - Is it true that Mary was born without sin?

Resources Mentioned:

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