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The Other Side of Beauty

Former model and acclaimed speaker and author Leah Darrow explores what makes people truly beautiful. Drawing from her experiences in the modeling world as well as her life as a Catholic speaker, she shares insights into how to live a beautiful life.

Questions Covered:

  • 17:09 - As a parent, would you allow an 18 year old to pursue his modeling dream?
  • 23:34 - If a daughter of an old friend is in the modeling world and has been sucked into the immoral aspects, what can I do to help her?
  • 29:46 - Can we redeem fashion through art? Move away from today’s culture and focus more on the artist factor?
  • 32:05 - How would you recommend teaching the true meaning of beauty to young kids?
  • 36:50 - I’ve heard people who are not considered attractive aren’t as successful career wise compared to attractive people. How can these people overcome this?
  • 46:40 - How do you feel about this Mee Too movement? Wouldn’t it be better for them to be less concerned about their outward beauty but their inner beauty instead?
  • 50:23 - What do you believe about Christian Modeling Agencies?
  • 52:35 - I made a promise to God not to wear makeup ever again. Not because it is bad, but because I had a really toxic past with it.Sometimes I do feel weird not wearing makeup and temptation comes my way when I see other girls with pretty makeup on. What is your advice?

Resources Mentioned:


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