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Dark Passages of the Bible

The Bible can be disturbing. Sometimes it even seems that God promotes violence, polygamy, and even polytheism. We get some explanations from Matthew Ramage, author of Dark Passages of the Bible: Engaging Scripture with Benedict XVI and St. Thomas Aquinas.

Questions Covered:

  • 13:06 - Why do we have the banning of art and committing of genocide in the Old Testament with Moses and the same thing occurring with Hitler?
  • 21:19 - Jesus stated to gauge out our eyes and cut off our hands if it causes us to sin. It’s better off to lose a member then end up in hell. How do you explain this?
  • 33:10 - Why is the restriction of divorce so strongly enforced when there are other sinful natures that are so much worse?
  • 49:48 - Do we take the Bible literally and everything is in it for a reason?

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