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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 00:58 - My girlfriend was abused a lot growing up, and raped by her biological father and later her step Father. Now, I have been introducing her to the Catholic faith, and we started going to RCIA. Whenever we try to go, she will suddenly get sick. We are worried that it is some sort of demonic presence.Can you help?
  • 16:17 - Why did the Pope offer Mass for Cardinal Law at the Vatican? I don’t understand how that is appropriate.
  • 28:50 - I offered my Protestant cousin who used to be Catholic a meditational book on Proverbs, and she said that since evangelical protestants do that, Catholics are becoming more like Protestants. Could Tim give some advice for proof that Catholics used the Bible first, such as homilies from early Church Fathers?
  • 36:00 - Are we made to suffer or to sacrifice? My brother says that we are made to suffer, but I don’t think that is why God made us.
  • 44:20 - If God chose Mary to be the mother of God, and she was conceived without original sin, than did Mary have free will?
  • 50:55 - The CCC avoids referring to Jesus Christ as a “human being,” since then Jesus would be two beings. I have heard Catholic apologists call Him a “human being,” so what are your thoughts on that?

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