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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:04 - What is the Catholic teaching on the use of cosmetics and female attire?
  • 13:34 - I’m a convert. I was baptized and confirmed in a Protestant church. When I came into the Church I was never given a patron saint. Is there a way I can pick a saint even though I was confirmed in a Protestant church?
  • 16:26 - I heard a priest say that evolution and the big bang theory went against the fourth Lateran council. Can you explain why?
  • 28:37 - My protestant friend believes in once saved always saved. I used the argument that a third of the angels fell as an argument against once saved. Is this a good argument?
  • 33:30 - Can you mix two religions, and did Jesus have brothers through Mary?
  • 40:35 - How do I answer a friend who said that Jesus didn’t suffer.
  • 46:18 - I’m using Qi Gong, a traditional Chinese medicine, to heal knee a injury. It this okay?
  • 50:34 - I’m a recent convert and I’m having a lot of problems with doubt. I have some smart atheist friends who are making me doubt Christianity.

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